Our Process
Playbook Coaching offers several ways to engage in a confidential and respectful environment to develop leadership, build teams and lead growth initiatives.
From Benchmark to Better.® A Foundation for Cascading Leadership.
Turnkey leadership development that creates performance advantage.
Whether it is one leader or 100, ours is a proven system:
We benchmark executives with the Leadership Circle Profile (LCP), debrief clients on results, create a Leadership Development Plan and hold leaders accountable with mid–term measures, ongoing coaching and a remeasure of the Leadership Circle Profile. Participants learn what’s going on, why, and develop a path forward. The “before and after” snapshot shows metrics-supported progress in targeted areas.
The simple act of doing the assessment, holding debriefs with the coach, and a Leadership Development Plan, will immediately raise the performance of all team members.
Executive Coaching
Business decisions are rooted in personal identity. CEOs and other executives are isolated at the top of their organizations. Through executive coaching, purposeful, challenging, and confidential discussions help them develop. Executives identify blind spots, achieve more balance, lead with more confidence, and make better decisions to get better results.
Collaborative Leadership Team Coaching
Strategic teamwork is vital in today’s complex world. It begins at the top with the executive team. As expert facilitators, Playbook helps devise new strategies for working together and facilitating team problem–solving. When combined with leadership coaching, it is an especially effective way of ensuring that leadership cascades down the organization. People are more open, connected and effective. Barriers dissipate and ideas multiply as the collective talent is leveraged toward company goals.
Leadership Circle Profile
Playbook is certified in The Leadership Circle Profile (LCP), a behavior–based assessment uniquely designed for leaders. We use it to benchmark leadership behavior and create a path forward to more effective leadership. Results are immediate and long–term. We debrief the findings to help leaders quickly get to a higher performance level. The LCP can be executed as stand–alone or as part of a coaching assignment.
Strategic Facilitation
Playbook designs and facilitates retreats; planning off–sites, and other team–building leadership and strategy workshops designed to build trust, provide clarity and move the business forward. Playbook has conducted hundreds of facilitated workshops over the years.